Allow us to handle your billing responsibilities through Comprehensive Revenue Cycle Management at a 5% collection rate.
We are ready to facilitate connections with all insurance providers, regardless of your prior interactions with them. Nevertheless, it is advisable to obtain credentials from the providers you engage with frequently, as this facilitates a seamless revenue flow. With our extensive team of representatives, obtaining commercial, Medicare, or Medicaid credentialing is a hassle-free process, enabling you to elevate the standards of your practice effortlessly.
Opting for mental health credentialing through CAQH proves to be more influential and rewarding compared to the conventional application process. Through this method, we assist you in applying for credentials across multiple insurance networks and plans, increasing the likelihood of successfully obtaining accreditation with two or more institutions simultaneously.
Cure CloudMed, like any other mental health credentialing service provider, cannot secure your credentials without vigilantly monitoring the progress of your application. Our commitment to sincerity in our work drives us to address all consequential requirements and proactively respond to the demands of insurance providers, ensuring a thorough and reliable credentialing process.
The typical validity period for each credentialing is typically limited to an average of three years. Following this period, whether you are a facility, practice, or practitioner, you will need to initiate the renewal process. In anticipation of this, Cure CloudMed ensures to notify you as the expiration date approaches, prompting you to take the essential steps for recredentialing. This proactive approach ensures that you can continue providing your services without any interruption.