Our Services

Pediatric services encompass care provided to infants, children, and adolescents, addressing a diverse range of health conditions, resulting in a multitude of billing codes. Managing such a varied spectrum of procedures poses the potential for errors, but rather than stopping them, Cure CloudMed focuses on eliminating them, giving us a strategic advantage. While credit is certainly due to our dedicated team, our decade-long presence in the industry plays a crucial role. Over this extensive period, we have gained invaluable insights into the intricacies of pediatric coding and billing services, positioning us as a reliable partner for your specific needs.

What benefits are provided by our Pediatric Billing and Coding Services?

  • Optimally Bundled and Coded

    While maintaining HIPAA compliance, we adhere to ethical practices that prohibit over or up-bundling and up-coding. Our commitment lies in accurate bundling and coding aligned with the services provided. This principled approach stands as a cornerstone of our success as a recognized pediatric coding and billing service.

  • No deviations allowed

    Exceptionally, we refer to vaccine billing, a crucial aspect that is sometimes overlooked during claim preparation, leading to substantial revenue losses. In contrast, our meticulous process leaves no claim unchecked, ensuring timely collections and maximum reimbursement.


Our pediatric billing covers every specialty, supported by the expertise of a specialized coder and, indispensably, a skilled biller:

  • Child Life Program
  • Pediatric Neurology
  • Pediatric Oncology
  • Clinical Genetics
  • Behavioral Psychology
  • General Pediatrics
  • Pediatric Diabetes
  • Pediatric Gastroenterology
  • Pediatric Nephrology
  • Pediatric Pulmonology
  • Pediatric Cardiology
  • Nutrition Services
  • Pediatric Endocrinology
  • Pediatric Infectious Diseases